It’s important to be a good steward of the environment. One of the best places to do that is in your home. If you’re having a new home built, you have even more of an opportunity to get off on the right foot. Before you build, you can work with your architect and builder to design a home that includes renewable energy solutions that will reduce your carbon footprint.
Choosing renewable energy sources for new homes means not only that your house will be more sustainable in general. It also means that you’ll likely reduce monthly bills, even if certain solutions cost you a little more in the beginning. Most families or individuals who opt for such energy sources are generally happy they made the choice to be responsible to the planet. In addition, they definitely see a reduction in their energy costs as well.
Understanding renewable energy
Renewable energy is, simply put, energy that is naturally replenished. In other words, it replaces itself. Sources of renewable energy include the sun, the wind, water, and biomass. The latter is a plant-based material that is used as fuel to produce electricity or heat.
You might hear the words “green” or “clean” when referring to renewable energy. That’s because these forms of energy don’t emit any greenhouse gases, which can harm the earth. Greenhouse gases from fossil fuels such as oil or coal have had a huge impact on our planet. They’ve been shown to contribute adversely to climate change. As such, using green, clean energy is the responsible thing to do. New homeowners can certainly jump on the bandwagon and do their part.
Renewable energy solutions for your new home
Consider speaking to your builder about some of these energy options for your new construction.
Solar panels
– Solar power has been around for a while and is still super-efficient. Consider having photovoltaic panels installed on your roof (or elsewhere). These simple panels capture the sun’s rays and covert them to electricity to warm your home and run your devices. Contrary to what you might think, it doesn’t actually have to be sunny for the panels to work, So, if you live in a climate that includes long stretches of cloudy or rainy days, that’s okay. With solar, you can expect your electricity bills to go way down.
Wind energy
– No doubt you’ve seen those huge fields of wind turbines. What you might not know is that they’re not limited to those big, wide-open spaces. You can install a small wind turbine on a pole near your home or even directly on the building itself. How do they work? They generate electricity when the wind turns the blades, which drives the internal turbine and creates power. Again, wind energy will greatly reduce your electricity bills.
Air source heat pumps
– Compared to traditional oil or gas heating systems, air source pumps leave much less of a footprint. They pull warmth from the outside air to provide homeowners with heat and hot water. It doesn’t have to be hot outside for it to work. Such pumps can heat your home in temperatures as low as -15 degrees C!
Biomass systems
– Homeowners can also opt for a biomass heating system, which burns only organic materials like logs or wood chips and pellets. Though this system isn’t as clean as solar or wind, it does produce less of a carbon footprint than traditional fossil fuels. Furthermore, it’ll save you plenty of money on your energy bills, regardless of the time of year and how cold it is outside.
Which should you choose?
As you work with your builder and/or architect, you can brainstorm with him/her as to what might work best for your climate and location. The size of your home will also help determine which renewable energy source might be right for your new home. You’ll also need to find out if the area in which you’re building allows solar panels, turbines, or other equipment.
At Bowline Construction, we understand the need to care for the future of our planet. As such, we’re well-versed on the many options available for renewable energy. To learn more about us, our homes, and our superior customer service, call us at 778-808-3725 to schedule an appointment, or fill out the contact form on our website.